We have almost completed the L2Rox project. Our server is not located in Poland anymore. Nowadays we use server which is located in Germany in a commercial company Hetzner . As far as materials and diagrams are concerned, I will prepare them later. On average, the server and LAN works three times faster than it used to work! So far we have changed our software into L2DC software on 13th March 2010. What will this bring to you? - A more stable server(less lag, items/exp losses) - Less crashes - Many more skills - Much more retail skills - Retail character, items and monster stats - Much more features/raidbosses/areas It is significant to note that thanks to this amazing software we were able to minimize lags and all the problems connected with the software. What will this bring to you? We are still improving our server, but we are sure that it will not disturb players. Moreover, we do our utmost to give you more satisfaction of playing Lineage II on L2Rox. What is more, we created SVN Track L2Rox which was done for all the players interested in what we do. Here you can write reports connected with all the problems you noticed while playing the game and we will do our best to eliminate them within 48 hours. For more information connected with this Track you have to visit our forum.
Chronicle Gracia Epilogue
Rates: 10x 10x 12x
Everyday Updates
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High Uptime (4 days)
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Delever NPC
Dual Box allowed
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Captur The Flag Event
Retail Events
LineageII Gracia Epilogue Chronicle!!!
[b]Follow the following steps and you will be able to connect to the server L2Rox[/b]
1. Our autoupdater will help you update your game -> Download . (Save target as" if the link doesnt work!)
Have fun and see you ingame!!!
Team L2Rox.net
The server is on a stable, dedicated server. Permitting a large number of reservations without the occurrence of lag.